Zting Army Soldier (ZAS) Profile:

  • Name: Margareta “Arctic Fox” Johansson
  • Age: 34
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Country: Sweden
  • Faction: Zting Angels – Zting Search and Rescue Team (ZSRT)
  • Role: Wilderness and Arctic Survival Expert
  • Physical Description: Margareta stands at a hardy 5’9″, with a lean muscular body honed by years of survival training in harsh climates.
  • Background: Born in the cold, northern reaches of Sweden, Kiruna, Margareta is an ex-Swedish Armed Forces soldier, specializing in arctic survival and wilderness tracking. Having lived with the indigenous Sami people, she learned the value of respecting nature. She joined the Zting Army after serving her time in the mountain ranger battalion to continue her passion for saving lives in extreme environments.
  • Views: Margareta believes in the preservation of natural habitats and is a vocal advocate against climate change.
  • Hopes and Dreams: She dreams of a world where no life is lost due to the cruelty of the environment.She hopes to use her expertise to help those in need while promoting respect and care for the planet.