Zting Army Soldier (ZAS)

  • Name: Hiroshi “Eagle” Tanaka
  • Age: 45
  • Rank: Sergeant Major
  • Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
  • Faction: Zting Angels – Zting Search and Rescue Team (ZSRT)
  • Role: Aerial Rescue Specialist
  • Physical Description: Hiroshi is 5’9″, with a lean build, short black hair, and brown eyes.
  • Background: Born in Kyoto, Japan, Hiroshi began his career as a pilot in the Japan Self-Defense Forces. His precision in the air was unparalleled, earning him a place in the elite rescue squad. Here he spent 8 years as an expert mountaineer with an unbroken record of successful rescue operations in the most challenging terrains. An unfortunate climbing accident made him realize the preciousness of life, inspiring him to join the Zting Army to save lives with ZSRT.
  • Views: Hiroshi believes in leveraging aerial technology to improve search and rescue operations.
  • Hopes and Dreams: He hopes to develop an efficient aerial network that can respond to emergencies swiftly and effectively.