• Age: 36
  • Rank: Sergeant
  • Birthplace: United States
  • Faction: Zting Disaster Relief Division (ZDRD)
  • Role: Logistics Specialist
  • Physical Description: Tony has an average build, and is of medium height, with muscular arms indicative of his work in logistics.
  • Background: Born and raised in the bustling city of Chicago, Tony, always gifted with an analytical mind, studied urban planning. After a short career in the logistics industry, he was drawn to the cause of disaster management and joined the Zting Army. He was soon recognized for his skills in planning and coordinating complex rescue missions, which earned him his nickname “Complex”. He has since served in various disaster-stricken zones, bringing relief and hope.
  • Views: Tony firmly believes in a world where efficient planning and coordination can drastically reduce the impact of natural disasters.
  • Hopes and Dreams: Tony dreams of a world where adequate infrastructure is in place to handle natural disasters effectively, minimizing loss and suffering.