• Name: Jari “Flash” Virtanen
  • Age: 47
  • Rank: Major
  • Department: Zting HQ
  • Position: Lead Tech Innovator in Hivequarter
  • Physical Description: Jari is a tall man, standing at 6’2″, with a lean physique, short, sandy blonde hair, and mesmerizing icy blue eyes.
  • Background: Born and raised in Helsinki, Finland, Jari displayed a knack for technology and innovation from a young age. He went on to study Computer Science at Aalto University and later worked for various tech firms, making significant contributions to the field of software development. His talent for problem-solving and a keen interest in using technology for peacekeeping led him to the Zting Army. The name Flash has nothing to do with speed but refers to his short-term memory which, well….could be better.
  • Views: Jari believes that technology when used correctly, can be a potent tool for conflict resolution and peacekeeping. He is a staunch advocate for digital rights and online privacy.
  • Hopes and Dreams: His dream is to build a secure, digital platform that could facilitate peaceful negotiations between conflicting parties on a global scale.