Shipping and delivery

Shipping and Delivery of physical products

The website is owned by the Norwegian company referred to as the seller in the information below. Unless otherwise stated, all physical products are made to your order and delivered by our partner Print on Demand partner Printful.

About Printful

All products from us and our partner Printful are designed and manufactured with the utmost care. We prioritize quality over speed, and your order will be delivered as soon as possible. The average time from order placement to delivery is 10-20 days. Shipping within the US may be faster.

Merchandise is sent from Printful factories located in various parts of the world. See shipping time and cost here.

Average Arrival Times

To help you estimate when your package will arrive once you receive a shipping notification, here are the average shipping times:

US orders: 4-8 business days
International orders: 8-16 business days
Canadian orders: 16-31 business days

International Shipping

We use Printful to fulfill our orders. You can read more about shipping and fulfillment with Printful here.

Printful Fulfillment

When will I receive my tracking number?

Once your product is fulfilled and a shipping label is created, you will receive an email with tracking information. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for the item to be put in the mail, allowing you to start tracking its location as it makes its way to you.

Partial Order Delivery

If your order includes different products, they may arrive separately. Items such as stickers, mugs, posters, custom cut and sew pieces, and apparel are sometimes made at different facilities and require different packaging, resulting in different arrival times.

Customs Charges

Additional customs and tax fees can occur on international orders. Since each country’s customs policy is different, we cannot always cover these fees at checkout. The final fee is usually based on factors like weight, value, and size. If you live in a country where you normally have to pay a standard customs fee, be prepared for that extra cost.

Please check with your local customs office directly to see if they apply duties and taxes to your purchases.

Incorrect Address

If your order has not been sent yet, we can usually update the address with ease. If the item was delivered and the package cannot be recovered, please reach out to us at

If you provided the wrong address, you will be liable for reshipment costs once we have confirmed an updated address with you.

Returned to Sender

This occurs if USPS is unable to locate your address or if there are any mistakes in your address, such as a missing apartment number or an incorrect street name. We receive a notification when something is returned and will promptly reach out to you to verify your details.

If you notice it was returned before we do, please reach out to us at with your order number and verified address.

If the address to which it was sent was correct, we will need to send your package to a new location to prevent it from being returned again and to avoid any additional shipping fees or delays.

Customs and Import Fees

Shipping costs are not included in the product purchase price, as detailed on the checkout page. Depending on the shipping address’s geographical location, different shipping fees will be charged. Customs and import fees of the destination country, however, are not covered by the purchase.

Depending on the destination country’s policy, different fees might be charged and calculated based on the ordered goods’ total value. These charges are not covered by the seller. Please inform yourself about the import and customs regulations of your destination country before ordering online.

The global average import duty rate for T-shirts is 15.4%, with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 55%, when classified with WTO tariff sub-heading 6109.10 (cotton T-shirt). Find out more about international customs fees by visiting the customs and import policy page on your local government’s official website.

You are responsible for any such extra taxes or fees your government applies to get the package delivered. The seller will do the best they can to provide the best international shipping experience possible, but much of the process is out of our control and is in the control of your countries’ officials and mail systems.

Digital products

Digital products are shipped immediately after purchase with a download link sent to your email inbox. Please read more about digital downloads here.